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Iain Tipping this is some seriously advanced shit. manuals are excellent, piece quality is great. build is the toughest i've done. Mechanically a grade above the Daytona and Sian and it sits perfectly alongside them.
best MOC i've built
Frank Neubert Best Seller👍🏻
MachR Maximální spokojenost s dodáním. Velice se těším na stavbu...hned jak bude čas.Z minulých nákupů byl kvalita stavebnic vždy výborná a věřím že tomu bude i tentokrát. Jen tak dál a těším se na příští objednávku.
Andreas K. Ordered the CADA C61048 two weeks ago and received it within only a few days - great! Thx for that. Haven't build the set yet, but only having a look at the amazing retail box brings a smile to my face. Really looking forward building the set. I can recommend this CADA Master Set for sure.