ZHEGAO QL0922-- Western Style Shopping Mall
Note: This article is reproduced from WeChat public account: 积木堂.
Author: 巨胖界的瘦子
Translated and adapted by: Phil13
Here it comes!
The most popular streetscapes in the past month belongs to ZHEGAO's various streetscapes. Presently there are 4 streetviews released.
Since the most popular sets should be the corner mall and the old tavern, a large number of reports will come out soon.
I chose to evaluate QL0922-- Western Style Shopping Mall first.
This is a high-rise department store moc, but you don't need to find the parts without a clue, as there are already separation packs of procedures. Besides, the bricks feel comfortable in handling. I myself use no hammer to complete the whole processing, which is impossible for other brands.
This design is the original wedding dress shop. The 1st and 2nd floors are well and comfortable, and the third floor is "specially" designed. This is because of the patent of MOC author.
Now let's cut it short and have a look!
In total 2039 pieces and the package is good-looking.
See the separation packs and the base plate. The base plate is soft but flat. Also here comes the instructions.
The new minifigure is with spine and flexible joints, which make them do some movements never done before.
Double-sided printing.
Start assembling the base floor.
Can you find minions?
At the back of the building, the assembly way of plants is rare.
See minions from topview.
The revolving door is one of the highlights.
The elevator is gorgeous, too.
This crystal chandelier looks like Tony Stark's arc reactor.
In front view WED=wedding. So this is a wedding hall or somewhat one-stop wedding service shop.
The transparent bricks are a bit common. However, the tolerance is so small that you can neglect. Just see the straight line!
The floor bricks are rare ones that I can press bare-handedly.
See the long white bricks and what do they remind you?
It is impossible to insert the tube into the hole of 1x1 transparent brick. You can only use a knife to sharpen the stick first, which then still scrape the black rubber when it is pulled to position.
The roof top is quite obviously Western style.
At the back of 2nd floor are a large amount of windows. Just press, press and press them!
Remember when your Mrs Right/you tried on a wedding dress, how did you feel when the curtain rose?
At the end of the runway is the place for the new couples to rehearse. Please pay attention to the flat brick above. As there is no connection between the 2nd and 3rd floor, this piece is recommended to be changed to 1x2 or 1x3 bump brick.
The finished 2nd floor.
1st and 2nd floors are in combination.
Side view.
Back view.
Now start to assemble 3rd floor.
The yellow plates on the right is directly placed in two together without connection.
There are only two 1x1 bricks on the two sides of the white shape. Now there's no problem. But when you make side tiles on the back, you would know what is really difficult!
The other side is the bar. Should it be BBQ in the center?
The clock cannot be too round, so the angle is already good enough. And this big clock obviously raises the entire street view.
Overall Display
Nine View
Appendix--Instruction mistakes:
1. In 18th step, the black 1x1 bricks are mistakes. It is recommended to put them on the top and bottom.
2. In 84th step, wrong color for the 1x3 brick with actual color light gray instead of apricot.
3. Step 102, 1x2 flat brick is recommended to be replaced convex brick. Besides, it is a worthwhile set of Streetview. You can't MISS IT!